Face mask is REQUIRED

Masks required in all Mission CISD facilities

Mission CISD will be requiring the use of face masks by all students, employees, and visitors to district facilities and while on school buses.

Mission, Texas- Mission Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) officials will be requiring the use of face masks by all students, employees, and visitors to district facilities and while on school buses. This is in response to the orders of Hidalgo County officials today requiring masks.

“We greatly appreciate the support of our county officials in giving us this added tool in protecting our students and employees,” said Dr. Carol G. Perez, superintendent. “The use of masks is proven to help control the spread of COVID-19, and this is especially important to all of our families with students who are not old enough to get vaccinated yet.”

The mask requirement is another layer of the many protocols that Mission CISD has in place for the start of school on August 16. This includes: 

  • The use of the highest level of HVAC filters in buildings and schools
  • Hand sanitizer stations in all classrooms, school buses, and common areas of buildings
  • Daily temperature checks of all students, employees, visitors
  • Daily disinfecting e-misting and sanitizing of facilities
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of school buses between routes and at the end of each day
  • Continuous clearing of high touch surfaces
  • Provide student and staff face shields when requested
  • Make sure desk shields are available for use in classrooms and cafeterias
  • New, touch-free water bottle fillers in all schools
  • Isolation rooms for students who may show symptoms of COVID-19 after arriving at school
  • Providing masks to children who need them while at school
  • Provide continuing instructional services for students in quarantine

Dr. Perez said Mission CISD will also continue to notify parents if their child is a close contact of a person confirmed with COVID-19. She also asks for the continued support of parents in helping keep schools safe by screening their children for COVID-19 symptoms each day before they leave for school, and keeping children home if they are sick. 

“Our partnerships with our local and county health officials have been instrumental throughout the pandemic and they will continue to play a key role in all we do moving forward,” added Dr. Perez. “We know returning to in-person instruction is important, not just for the educational benefits, but also for the social-emotional needs of students. This will be one of our main focuses throughout this school year.”